I know many of you have already seen my post from the morning of the 21st… but I haven’t had the time to sit down, digest, and write about the events of the rest of the day until now.
For some of you this is the first post you’ll read on the blog. For you first timers, I thank you for coming to our blog to keep up to date with our engagement and other plans. We’re very appreciative of all the support and congratulations we’ve received. We’re so happy that you’re excited enough about us and care enough about us to think to pass your notes of congratulations and your excitement along. Your thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.
But here's the meat of the story that you're really caring about: (a longer, more detailed version of the story for those interested can be found
here(edit: link actually works now). Be advised, It's long... and detailed.)
(if the image doesn't load, click
here to view the album through the flickr website)
Ok, so after arranging for lunch with Mr. Perry, I got ready and nervously wasted a few minutes on the computer trying to make those last few ticks of the clock happen. I drove out to his office and met up with him and we went to a Vietnamese restaurant. We talked a bit about a website that I'm going to be doing for him, but obviously the real reason I wanted to talk to him was something else.
When there was an appropriate break in our conversation, I asked him for his blessing (I had really wanted Erin's mom to be there for this part, but it unfortunately didn't work out with the timing). He assured me that both he and Mrs. Rebecca were thrilled and that they thought highly of me. Our conversation continued for a bit and then we got back down to the business of web site details.
After lunch I met up with Erin and her mom who were out shopping. I almost exploded with excitement when I walked into the store because a good friend of mine who recently got engaged as well was there with her dad and I wanted more than anything to tell her what was going on! I went over and met up with Erin and her mom and followed them around for the remainder of the shopping trip.
My idea was to get Erin up on Monte Sano Mountain, and the easiest way I could think of to do that was to tell her that I needed to go get sized for a suit in the area of town that's on the other side of the mountain because a particular place had been recommended to me (I really did need a suit, and I was supposed to go get sized for one earlier in the day, so Erin was at least tolerant of the idea...)
As we drove up the mountain Erin fell perfectly into my trap by starting to talk about how it'd been forever since she'd been up here and pointed out where she'd taken piano lessons all her life, etc. I suggested that we continue this walk down memory lane by driving to the state park on top of the mountain that we'd both been up many times as kids.
I could tell at this point that erin was getting a little suspicious, so I found a place down by some old cabins that had a pretty view of the city. We got out of the car, looked out over the city, I talked to her for a minute about how much I loved her, and then I dropped onto my knee and asked her to marry me!
On our way back down the mountain we began the marathon of phone calls. Erin called her house and they invited my family over for dinner. It was so exciting to see our new family together so excited about our future!
To summarize: I am engaged and am so happy!
If you're craving more, you can see it at the link above.
If you're craving pictures, here's a slideshow I think you might like...