To our friends and family who regularly read our blog--I'm so sorry it has been so long since we have updated! Things were pretty crazy with fall semester ending, a busy Christmas break, and then Gerrit and I both starting our internships.
We had a great Christmas break in Huntsville and really enjoyed spending time with our families. It was a somewhat sentimental break since we know that our lives will be entirely different this time next year. We definitely made the most of our time with our families and also enjoyed getting to spend an extended period of time with each other.
We also traveled to Charleston with Gerrit's family to visit his grandparents. It was really a wonderful visit. We went to downtown Charleston and toured around (I had never been before), we went shopping, went to the movies, and spent time playing games. I really enjoyed getting to know Gerrit's grandparents better and learning more about that side of his family.
Now it is the new year and it is very exciting be able to say that we are getting married this year. It was really kind of amazing how once it was January, the wedding all of a sudden seemed so much closer!
Speaking of which, checking things off the wedding planning list also kept us busy over the break! We ordered invitations, save-the-dates, registered for gifts, did some planning for the rehearsal dinner, and started planning the ceremony.
And now, even though we had a great break, it is kind of nice to be back at school and in a routine. We are both settling in to our internships (mine at Auburn Public Library and Gerrit's at Garan), and it's kind of nice not to be taking classes. It's different to settle back into our lives away from home after such a long break, but it's crazy and so exciting to think that this is our last full semester!