This semester has been ridiculously busy. Some say I should have guessed that by the fact that I registered for 21 credit hours worth of classes and was holding down a part time job. Trust me... I guessed it, but there's no way I could have predicted how crazy the last few weeks have been.
Between three group projects worth around 25%-30% of my grade in each respective class, scores of tests, and starting training for my internship I haven't hardly had a chance to breathe... much less blog.
Despite all of the business, there have been some incredible events of various life-change that have happened over the past few weeks.
- The Dan Mullen Era at Mississippi State ended its first season with a victory over Ole Miss
- I secured A's in two classes in which my average was below 90, just by talking to my professors and explaining why I deserved an A
- My systems design team tied for first in best system of the semester (we built a website called ""... I wish I could devote a whole post to explaining its awesomeness)
- I started training for my internship with Garan Manufacturing. I'll officially start in January and work full-time throughout the Spring semester.
- oh... and I got an incredible job offer from ExxonMobile in Houston, TX for after I graduate...
On top of all that, I've been working on re-designing the website, reading nerdy books about technology, and trying to figure out how to be an accountant for a semester...
I'm so looking forward to getting done with this semester and heading home for christmas! Almost there!
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