This February marked not only Erin's 23rd birthday, but the fact that we've had Chloe for 2 months. It included our first weekend trip (to visit my Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin in San Antonio), and the the introduction of an Xbox Kinect to the Burke manor (Erin's birthday present). It saw the completion of a web project I was involved in, and the addition of a new one. It entailed Erin traversing the "icepocalypse" to make it home to Huntsville for a weekend, and (bless him) Bruce volunteering to do our taxes this year. All in all, it sounds like a much more exciting month than it was.
Now, lets break that down in slow motion
Erin and I had been making plans for some time to visit my family that live in Boerne, T
X, just outside of San Antonio for her birthday for some time. I took that Friday off, and we entrusted Chloe to the care of some friends of ours in town for the weekend. San Antonio is just a 3.5 hour drive away from Houston, and Erin and I really enjoyed getting to drive through the countryside and escape city life for a bit.

In San Antonio, we road a river taxi down the river walk with my Grandparents and cousin for a day of waking around being tourists. We visited the Alamo, ate at a restaurant on the river, and enjoyed just walking around in what's really been developed into a nice area in downtown San Antonio. We really enjoyed hanging out with, swapping stories with, and eating great food with my family members whom I had not seen in a shamefully long time.
Back on the apartment front, Erin and I have really been enjoying playing with both Chloe (who is getting quite big) and her birthday present: an Xbox Kinect. I'll confess, I did have yours truly in mind when I picked it out as her gift, but I promise she's really enjoyed it too! For those that are unaware, the Kinect is an addon to the Xbox I already owned that looks like a camera and allows you to play games using your body as the controller.
During all of this, I've been working on a website for a friend of mine called
Cup Of Hope, which uses the production and sale of coffee in the Philippines and SE Asia as both a community income builder, and a way to support sustainable missions. If you're a coffee drinker, I recommend you check out their site.
When I sat down to write this post, I had about 20 minutes and thought that this "uneventful" month would hardly merit 5. But as I think I just heard noises in the kitchen indicating that dinner is ready, I'm going to snap out of it and go eat before small groups!
As always, you can follow our more daily life via twitter (@gerritburke and @erinblue18) or through our Facebook accounts.